RULE 2 - Definitions

Section 4. Catch, Recovery, Possession

Catch, Interception, Recovery—ARTICLE 3

Approved Ruling 2-4-3

I. B1 attempts to catch a punt (no fair catch signal) that crosses the neutral zone, strikes his shoulder (a muff) and bounces into the air. The ball does not touch the ground. Airborne A1 receives the ball in flight and first returns to the ground out of bounds. RULING: Team B’s ball at the spot where the ball crossed the sideline. First and 10. II. On third down, B1 blocks a Team A scrimmage kick that goes into the air and does not cross the neutral zone. The ball does not touch the ground. A1 jumps and grasps the ball in flight and first returns to the ground out of bounds. RULING: Team B’s ball at the spot where the ball crossed the sideline. First and 10 (Rule 6-3-7). III. Airborne A3 receives a pass at Team A’s 40-yard line. While still airborne, he is contacted by B1 and comes to the ground out of bounds with the ball at Team A’s 37-yard line. RULING: Incomplete pass (Rule 7-3-7-a). IV. On second down, A1 fumbles the ball, which strikes the ground and bounces high in the air. B2 receives the ball while off the ground and returns to the ground out of bounds (a) in advance of the spot of the fumble or (b) behind the spot of the fumble. RULING: (a) Team A’s ball at the spot of the fumble. (b) Team A’s ball at the spot where the ball crossed the sideline (Rules 4-2-4-d and 7-2-4).

Section 11. Fumble, Muff: Batting and Touching the Ball; Blocking a Kick

Touching—ARTICLE 4

Approved Ruling 2-11-4

I. A punt is rolling along the ground near players A44 and B27 who are engaged. (a) The ball bounces against the B27’s leg and is then recovered by A55 at the B-35. (b) A44 blocks B27 into the ball which is then recovered by A55 at the B-35. RULING: (a) Team A’s ball, first and 10 at the B-35. The ball rolled into B27’s leg but A44’s contact did not cause him to touch the ball. Not forced touching. (b) Forced touching because the block by A44 caused B27 to touch the ball. Illegal touching by A55. Team B’s ball at that point.

Section 12. Lines

Goal Lines—ARTICLE 2

Approved Ruling 2-12-2

I. Team A’s untouched scrimmage kick strikes the ground in the field of play and breaks the plane of Team B’s goal line. While the ball is in the air over the end zone, A81, who is either on the one-yard line or in the end zone, bats the ball into the field of play. RULING: Violation for illegal touching (Rule 6-3-11). Team B may accept the result of the play or next snap the ball at its 20-yard line (Exception: Rule 8-4-2-b).

Restraining Lines—ARTICLE 5

Approved Ruling 2-12-5

I. A free kick breaks the plane of Team B’s restraining line. While the ball is in the air, A1, who is behind Team B’s restraining line, touches the ball. RULING: Legal touching (Rule 6-1-3-b).

Section 16. Kicks; Kicking the Ball

Place Kick—ARTICLE 4

Approved Ruling 2-16-4

I. On a free kick to start a game, the kicker uses the toe of a teammate for a tee or builds a tee with a mound of dirt or sod. RULING: Illegal kick. Dead-ball foul. Penalty—Five yards from the succeeding spot.

Scrimmage Kick Formation—ARTICLE 10

Approved Ruling 2-16-10

I. At the snap Team A has four linemen numbered between 50-79 and three linemen numbered outside this range. A potential kicker is eight yards deep but there is no potential holder. RULING: Illegal formation. Team A is not in a scrimmage kick formation and does not have the required number of linemen with proper jersey numbers.

Section 19. Passes

Forward and Backward Pass—ARTICLE 2

Approved Ruling 2-19-2

I. A1 intends to throw a forward pass, but B1 bats the ball from his hand before A1’s hand or arm starts forward. RULING: Fumble (Rule 2-11-1).

Section 23. Snapping the Ball

Approved Ruling 2-23-1

I. Fourth and goal on Team B’s five-yard line. A55’s legal snap is muffed by A12 and (a) any player of Team A recovers and advances the ball into the end zone, or (b) a player of Team B recovers and advances the ball. RULING: The snap is a backward pass and may be advanced by any player. (a) Touchdown. Since this is a backward pass and not a fumble there is no restriction on a Team A player recovering and advancing the ball. (b) Ball continues in play.

Section 30. Play Classification

Running Play—ARTICLE 4

Approved Ruling 2-30-4

I. A21 catches a forward pass with his knees on the ground. The passer is roughed during the pass. RULING: A21’s catch started a running play, which ended immediately. Penalize 15 yards from the end of the run, first down for Team A. II. Third and 10. A21 catches a forward pass and fumbles when tackled after gaining nine yards. The fumble is recovered by grounded A24 five yards in advance of the fumble. During the pass, the passer is roughed. RULING: Penalize 15 yards from the spot of recovery by A24 (end of last run), first down for Team A.

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