
List of New Approved Rulings

NEW APPROVED RULINGS Rule 1 1-4-7-V Rule 2 2-16-10-I Rule 3 3-3-3-I 3-4-3-VI 3-4-4-VI 3-4-4-VII Rule 4 4-1-3-II Rule 7 7-1-4-VII 7-3-2-XI 7-3-2-XII 7-3-8-I Rule 9 9-1-2-I 9-1-4-X 9-1-6-IV 9-1-6-VII 9-1-6-X 9-1-14-I 9-2-1-XII 9-2-2-VI 9-4-4-I »

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Table of Contents for Approved Rulings

[List of New Approved Rulings]() [RULE 1]() — The Game, Field, Players and Equipment [RULE 2]() — Definitions [RULE 3]() — Periods, Time Factors and Substitutions [RULE 4]() — Ball in Play, Dead Ball, Out of Bounds [RULE 5]() — Series of Downs, Line to Gain [RULE 6]() — Kicks [RULE 7]() — Snapping and Passing the Ball [RULE 8]() — Scoring [RULE 9]() — Conduct of Players and Others Subject to Rules [RULE 10]() — Penalty Enforcement »

Appendix D Equipment: Additional Details

A. Details Regarding Illegal Equipment Hard or unyielding substances are permitted, if covered, only to protect an injury. Hand and arm protectors (covered casts or splints) are permitted only to protect a fracture or dislocation. Thigh guards may not be made of any hard substances, unless all surfaces are covered with material such as closed-cell vinyl foam that is at least 1⁄4-inch thick on the outside surface and at least 3⁄8-inch thick on the inside surface and the overlaps of the edges. »

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Appendix C Field Diagrams


Appendix B Concussions

Revised April 2016 A concussion is a brain injury that is most commonly caused by a blow to the head or trunk, or by the head or body forcefully impacting the ground. Concussions most commonly occur without loss of consciousness. Typically, there are subtle indications that a concussion has occurred, such as the student-athlete shaking his head, stumbling, or appearing dazed or stunned. Game officials are often in a best position to observe student-athletes up-close, and may be the first to notice the unusual behaviors that indicate a concussion may be present. »

Appendix A Guidelines for Game Officials to Use During a Serious On-Field Player Injury

Players and coaches must go to and remain in the bench area. Direct players and coaches accordingly. Always ensure adequate lines of vision between the medical staffs and available emergency personnel. Attempt to keep players a significant distance away from the seriously injured player or players. Do not allow a player to roll an injured player over. Do not allow players to assist a teammate who is lying on the field; i. »

Index to Rules

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Part II: Interpretations

A rule interpretation, or approved ruling (A.R.), is an official decision on a given statement of facts. It serves to illustrate the spirit and application of the rule. Any approved rulings that have been altered significantly are shaded for ease of reference. All new approved rulings are listed in the front of this section and are shaded. ROGERS REDDING, Secretary-Rules Editor »

Official Football Signals

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